Simple Steps To Take Care Of Your Tires

Best-case scenario, your tires should last you four or five years. If you really baby them, they can last you even longer. All in all, you should easily get 100,000 to 150,000 km of driving out of a brand-new set of tires. Keeping Your Tires At The Right Pressure Tires have pressure recommendations stamped right on them – usually on … Read More

Keeping On The Straight And Narrow: When And Why To Get a Wheel Alignment

Tires are expensive – so you want them to last as long as possible! One of the best ways to protect your tires is to make sure your wheels stay aligned. If your wheels are misaligned, they’ll wear out unevenly – and up to 2x as quickly. Luckily, alignment problems are usually pretty quick and easy to fix, and will … Read More

The Ins And Outs Of Turbo Engines

Turbo engine. It sounds impressive and powerful – but what the heck does it mean? Basically, turbo is short for turbocharger – a component that makes your engine work faster and harder. Turbochargers are built into engines to help them accelerate more quickly or haul weight more easily. If you know how your turbo engine works and how to keep … Read More

George On The Go: Mobile Repairs And Help For The Handyman

You know what they say: “if you can’t come to George, George will come to you!” Okay, maybe I’m the only one who says that. But it’s true! Don’t think you’re out of luck just because your car can’t make it to a shop. I’m flexible, and I’m mobile. I offer a variety of mobile services: Vehicle repairs or situations … Read More

Hey Ho, Silver! Repairing Vehicles Other Than Cars

Your car is a trusty steed, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you ride – and even the Lone Ranger gave Silver a break once in a while. But just like your daily driver, it’s important to keep your “toys” in good condition. Whether you have a motorcycle, boat, or RV tucked away in your back garage, you … Read More

Aquapel: The Best in Windshield Protection

Living on the west coast only means one thing: rain. Buckets and buckets of rain. Luckily, I’ve got just the thing to make life just a little bit easier in the soggy Fraser Valley: Aquapel Glass Treatment. What Does Aquapel Do? More like what doesn’t it do! Aquapel is a jack of all trades for windshields. It coats the glass … Read More

BCAA Inspections and You…And George!

A lot of great cars out there on the road are energizer bunnies; they just drive and drive and drive.  You might drive the same car for years at a time without taking it in for maintenance. After all, why should you? Nothing’s wrong with it! Until your timing belt snaps and your engine goes “Kablooey” – now you’re in … Read More